African raptors are facing a population collapse and urgent action is necessary to prevent the extinction of many of these species. 

A map with different countries colored in shades of blue, purple, green, and yellow indicating raptor conservation priorities. Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are highlighted.
This map highlights raptor conservation priorities by country, as ranked by the EDGE metric. The brighter the color, the higher the raptor conservation priority of that country when compared globally. African countries (especially Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda) are of the highest raptor conservation priority in the world.

A new collaborative study, co-led by The Peregrine Fund’s Africa Program Director Dr. Darcy Ogada, compared road surveys of raptors across Africa from 1969 to 2020. This research, published January 4th in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, provided evidence of widespread population declines of African raptors over the past three decades. This article has received widespread coverage by the media, including National Geographic and The New York Times, as well as governmental and non-governmental conservation practitioners, such as the Convention of the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals and BirdLife International.

Using the EDGE metric (see paper here), we identified global priorities for raptor conservation. Africa stands out as the highest-priority continent for raptor conservation (map above), stressing the importance of immediate conservation action.

A combination of factors has led to this decline, such as habitat loss, persecution, poisoning, and electrocution.

Why should we care? 

Raptors are bioindicators, meaning their population declines tell us when something could be negatively impacting the larger ecosystem. If we solve the underlying causes for these declines, then, in return, we will improve the health of other species, environments, and even local human communities.

We cannot say with certainty what would happen to ecosystems should these raptor species disappear since ecosystems are complex webs of interactions, but it is likely they would be greatly impacted.

Genetic variability within a population and ecosystem is important to persistence, so keeping genetically valuable raptor species around strengthens the resiliency of ecosystems.

Biologists releasing a bird of prey

Ralph Buij

Decades of conservation work


The Peregrine Fund has been working in Africa for over 20 years and we have been successful in implementing a broad range of conservation programs focused in Kenya. Our GPS tracking and nest surveys are important for monitoring specific populations and species to determine which threats are of most concern. We listen to the needs and issues facing local communities and work to find solutions that benefit both wildlife and people.

Read more about our Africa program
Several Ruppell's Vultures walk the ground around carcasses, accompanied by jackals

Darcy Ogada

Adaptive science and collaboration


The Peregrine Fund uses adaptive science-forward conservation; as the landscape changes and our scientific knowledge expands, we adapt our strategies and focuses. Our new research exposing the African raptor collapse has broadened our depth of knowledge and we are identifying it as an urgent need for action. We have seen success in our Africa programs as they stand, but it’s clear we need to adapt to see increased success. We are collaborating with our partners to expand our current African programs for maximum success.

Read more about our collaborations in Africa
A young person in bright, traditional clothing of the Maasai tribe of Kenya looking through a spotting scope

Munir Virani

Education and Mentorship


We will continue to increase our partnerships to effectively address threats and to expand our scope across landscapes. Our new Africa Raptor Leadership Grant will support educational and mentoring opportunities in Africa; boosting local conservation initiatives and knowledge of raptors across the continent. Started in 2023 alongside 12 partners, our inaugural grant was awarded to a raptor research student at A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute in Nigeria who will be studying local threats to African owls.

Support the Africa Raptor Leadership Grant

For more info on the African Leadership grant and to apply visit HERE.