A scientist seen from behind standing next to a spotting scope and using binoculars to look at distant hills

Paul Juergens

Science Publications
Read the scientific papers published by members of The Peregrine Fund team

Authors that are staff members of The Peregrine Fund are listed in bold.

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Gyrfalcon Prey Abundance and Their Habitat Associations in a Changing Arctic
Ecology and Evolution, January 2025
Gustafson, M., McCabe, J.D.Rolek, B.W., Booms, T.L., Henderson, M.TDunn, L.Anderson, D.L., and Cruz, J.


Status assessment and conservation priorities for a circumpolar raptor: the Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus
Bird Conservation International, December 2024
McCabe, R.A., et al. including McClure, C.J.W. and Rolek, B.W.

First Record of Philornis Parasitism of the Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis)
Journal of Raptor Research, December 2024
Rojas Allieri, M.L., Bonaccorso, E., Fessl, B., Heimpel, G.E., Mosquera, D., Quiroga, M.A., and Vargas, F.H.

A decade of monitoring the Critically Endangered Madagascar Pochard Aythya innotata: population trends and duckling survival
Wildfowl, December 2024
Rasoamihaingo, L.A., Razafindrajao, F., René de Roland, L.-A., and Bamford, A.J.

Lémuriens de l’Aire Protégée Complexe Tsimembo Manambolomaty, région Melaky, Madagascar : Diversité et estimation de la densité
Madagascar Conservation & Development, December 2024
Randriamanantena, H.J., Razafindraibe, H., Andrianarimisa, A., Rakotondratsima, M.P.H.Randrianjafiniasa, D.Razafimanjato, G., and René de Roland, L.-A.

Lead exposure of a fossorial rodent varies with the use of ammunition across the landscape
Science of the Total Environment, December 2024
Slabe, V.A., Warner, K.S., Duran, Z., Pilliod, D.S., Ortiz, P.A., Schmidt, D., Szabo, S., and Katzner, T.E.

Efficacy of non-lead ammunition distribution programs to offset fatalities of golden eagles in southeast Wyoming
Journal of Wildlife Management, November 2024
Slabe, V.A., Crandall, R.H., Katzner, T., Duerr, A.E., and Miller, T.A.

Forest management affects the functional traits of birds and mammals differently
Animal Conservation, November 2024
Dri, G.F., Hunter, M.L., Rolek, B.W., Evans, B.E., and Mortelliti, A.

Different migration patterns of Wahlberg’s eagles Hieraaetus wahlbergi across Africa
Journal of Avian Biology, October 2024
Buij, R.McCabe, J.D., Botha, A., Kapila, S.R., Parmuntoro, L., Thomsett, S., Tate, G.

Vulture Multi-species Action Plan for Kenya (2024-2034)
October 2024
Kariuki, L., Gacheru, P., Ogada, D., Musina, J., Thomsett, S., Nyaga, V., Otiego, B., and Achieng, F.

Molecular data support Bombus sonorus and Bombus pensylvanicus (Hymenoptera, Apidae) as distinct species
Journal of Hymenoptera Research, October 2024
Beckham, J.L., Johnson, J.A., and Pfau, R.S.

Contrasting Genomic Diversity and Inbreeding Levels Among Two Closely Related Falcon Species With Overlapping Geographic Distributions
Molecular Ecology, October 2024
Martin, A., Johnson, J.A., Berry, R., Carling, M. and Martínez del Rio, C.

Riparian forest patches are critical for forest affiliated birds in farmlands of temperate Chile
Biological Conservation, August 2024
Rojas, I.M., Radeloff, V.C., McCabe, J.D., Ibarra, J.T., and Pidgeon, A.M.

Validating the concept of top scavenger: the Andean Condor as a model species
Royal Society Open Science, July 2024
Méndez, D.Vargas, F.H., Sarasola, J.H., and Olea, P.P. 

First record of African Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia microscelis for Madagascar
Bulletin of the African Bird Club, June 2024
Razafimanjato, G.René de Roland, L.-A.Razakaratrimo, S.V.Rakotondratsima, M.P.H., Razafimanantsoa, T.M., and Pruvot, Y.Z.M.

Implications of human–wildlife conflict on the diet of an endangered avian top predator in the northern Andes
Nature Science Reports, June 2024
Restrepo-Cardona, J.S., Kohn, S., Renjifo, L.M., Vásquez‑Restrepo, J.D., Zuluaga, S., Vargas, F.H.et al.

Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale
Biological Conservation, May 2024
Serratosa, J., et al. including Buechley, E.R. and Buij, R.

Factors determining the abundance of the Madagascar Grebe Tachybaptus pelzelnii in the volcanic lakes of the Bemanevika Protected Area, Northern Highlands of Madagascar
Afrique Science, Spring 2024
Rasolonjatovo, D.Benjara, A.Razafiherison, R.Fabrice, S.Razafimanjato, G., and Rene De Roland, L.-A.

Africa’s overlooked top predator: Towards a better understanding of martial eagle feeding ecology in the Maasai Mara, Kenya
Wildlife Biology, April 2024
Hatfield, R.S., Davis, A.G., Buij, R.et al.

Life History of the Andean Condor in Ecuador
Tropical Conservation Science, March 2024
Restrepo-Cardona, J.S., Narváez, F., Kohn, S., Pineida, R., and Vargas, F.H.

African savanna raptors show evidence of widespread population collapse and a growing dependence on protected areas
Nature Ecology and Evolution, January 2024
Shaw, P., Ogada, D.Dunn, L.Buij, R.et al.

Multi-scale habitat overlap in two broad-ranged sympatric Neotropical forest eagles reveals shared environmental space and habitat use
Ibis, January 2024
Sutton, L.J.Anderson, D.L., Franco, M., Gomes, F.B.R., McClure, C.J.W.Miranda, E.B.P., Vargas, F.H.Vargas González, J.d.J., and Puschendorf, R.


Using camera traps to inform reintroduction success and recovery of the Northern Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis septentrionalis)
Food Webs, December 2023
Bontrager, D.R., McCabe, J.D., Mutch, B.D., and Cruz, J.

Demographic collapse threatens the long-term persistence of Andean condors in the northern Andes
Biological Conservation, September 2023
Padró, J., Vargas, F.H., Lambertucci, S.A., Perrig, P.L., Pauli, J.N., et al.

Variation in flight characteristics associated with entry by eagles into rotor-swept zones of wind turbines
Ibis, August 2023
Rolek, B.W., Miller, T.A., Braham, M.A., Duerr, A.E., Katzner, T.E., and McClure, C.J.W.

Gyrfalcons as Sentinels for Changing Disease Ecology in the Arctic
In Wildlife Disease and Health in Conservation, August 2023
Radcliffe, R.W. and Henderson, M.T.

Whole-genome survey reveals extensive variation in genetic diversity and inbreeding levels among peregrine falcon subspecies
Ecology and Evolution, July 2023
Johnson, J.A., Athrey, G., Anderson, C.M., Bell, D.A., Dixon, A., Kumazawa, Y., Maechtle, T., Meeks, G.W., Mindell, D., Nakajima, K., Novak, B., Talbot, S., White, C., and Zhan, X.

Conserving the evolutionary history of birds
Conservation Biology, July 2023
McClure, C.J.W., Berkunsky, I., Buechley, E.R.Dunn, L.Johnson, J.McCabe, J., Oppel, S., Rolek, B.W.Sutton, L.J., and Gumbs, R.

Combining trends from disparate monitoring programs to inform Red List assessments: The case of the Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres)
Biological Conservation, June 2023 
McClure, C.J.W., Rolek, B.W., Kemp, R., and Wolter, K.

The World’s Most Imperiled Raptors Present Substantial Conservation Challenges
Journal of Raptor Research, June 2023
McClure, C.J.W.Buij, R.Thorstrom, R.Vargas, F H., and Virani, M.Z.

Relocating Nest Boxes from Poor Quality Sites Can Bias Inference into Population Dynamics
Journal of Raptor Research, June 2023
McClure, C.J.W.

Pitfalls arising from site selection bias in population monitoring defy simple heuristics
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, May 2023
McClure, C.J.W. and Rolek, B.W.

Space-time home range estimates and resource selection for the Critically Endangered Philippine Eagle on Mindanao
Ibis, May 2023
Sutton, L.J., Ibañez, J.C., Salvador, D.I., Taraya, R.L., Opiso, G.S., Senarillos, T.L.P., and McClure, C.J.W.

Exploring the size of Andean condor foraging groups along an altitudinal and latitudinal gradient in the Tropical Andes: Ecological and conservation implications
Current Zoology, April 2023
Méndeza, D.Vargas, F.H., Sarasolad, J.H., and Olea, P.P.

First recent photographic record of cheetah in Djibouti
CATNews, Spring 2023
Murgatroyd, M., Chynoweth, M.W., Blount, D.J., Rayaleh, H.A., and Buechley, E.R.

Breakeven Points in Nest Management of an Endangered Island Endemic Raptor
Journal of Raptor Research, March 2023
McClure, C.J.W., Weaver, H.C., Murillo, M., Gallardo, J. and Thorstrom, R.

Effects of Global Climate Change on Raptors
Journal of Raptor Research, February 2023
Martínez-Ruiz, M., Dykstra, C.R., Booms, T.L., and Henderson, M.T.

Assessing genetic diversity patterns at neutral and adaptive loci to inform population reinforcement of an endangered migratory vulture
Journal of Ornithology, February 2023
Bounas, A., Saravia-Mullin, V., Méndez, M., Arkumarev, V., Aghajanyan, L., Ararat, K., and Buechley, E.R. 

Priority conservation areas and a global population estimate for the critically endangered Philippine Eagle
Animal Conservation, February 2023
Sutton, L.J., Ibañez, J.C., Salvador, D.I., Taraya, R.L., Opiso, G.S., Senarillos, T.L.P. and McClure, C.J.W.

Prey resources are equally important as climatic conditions for predicting the distribution of a broad-ranged apex predator
Diversity and Distributions, February 2023
Sutton, L.J.Anderson, D.L., Franco, M., McClure, C.J.W.Miranda, E.B.P., Vargas, F.H.Vargas González, J.d.J., and Puschendorf, R.

TDFCAM: A method for estimating stable isotope trophic discrimination in wild populations
Ecology and Evolution, January 2023
Johnson, D.L., Henderson, M.T., Franke, A., Swan, G.J.F., McDonald, R.A., Anderson, D.L., Booms, T.L., and Williams, C.T.

Composite population trends reveal status of wintering diurnal raptors in the Northwestern USA
Biological Conservation, January 2023
McClure, C.J.W.Rolek, B.W., and Fleischer, J.


Evaluating citizen science outreach: A case-study with The Peregrine Fund’s American Kestrel Partnership
PLoS ONE, March 2021
Schulwitz, S., Hill, G., Fry, V., and McClure, C.J.W.

Relative Conservation Status of Bird Orders With Special Attention to Raptors
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, November 2020
McClure, C.J.W. and Rolek, B.W.

Saving the Symbol of the Andes: A Range Wide Conservation Priority Setting Exercise for the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus)
Wildlife Conservation Society, May 2020
Wallace, R.B., Reinaga, A., Piland, N., Piana, R.P., Vargas, F.H.et al.

Global raptor research and conservation priorities: Tropical raptors fall prey to knowledge gaps
Diversity and Distributions, February 2019
Buechley, E.R., Santangeli, A., Girardello, M., Neate-Clegg, M.H.C., Oleyar, D., McClure, C.J.W., and Şekercioğlu, Ç.H. 

State of the world's raptors: Distributions, threats, and conservation recommendations. Biological Conservation
Biological Conservation, November 2018
McClure, C.J.W., Westrip, J.R.S., Johnson, J.A.Schulwitz, S., Virani, M., Davies, R., Symes, A., Wheatley, H., Thorstrom, R., Amar, A., Buij, R., Jones, V.R., Williams, N.P., Buechley, E.R., and Butchart, S.H.M.

Applied raptor ecology: essentials from Gyrfalcon research
Anderson, D., McClure, C.J.W., and Franke, A.

Successful enhancement of Ridgway’s Hawk populations through recruitment of translocated birds
The Condor, November 2017
McClure, C.J.W.Rolek, B.W.Hayes, T., Hayes, C.D., Thorstrom, R.Curti, M., and Anderson, D.

Research Recommendations for Understanding the Decline of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) Across Much of North America
Journal of Raptor Research, December 2017
McClure, C.J.W.Schulwitz, S., Van Buskirk, R., Pauli, B., and Heath, J.

Restoring Aplomado Falcons to the United States
Journal of Raptor Research, December 2013
Hunt, W.G., Brown, J.L., Cade, T.J., Coffman, J., Curti, M., Gott, E.J., Heinrich, W.R., Jenny, J.P.Juergens, P., Macías-Duarte, A., Montoya, A., Mutch, B., and Sandfort, C.