Fall Flights 2024 Season Dates
Season runs 6 September through 27 October
Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays at 11am
Ticket Prices: Adult $20, Senior (62+) $18, Youth (4-16) $15
Members receive 25% off at checkout
Sign language interpretation is provided for the 29 September and 12 October presentations.

Linda Ledbetter
Fall Flights 2024
Book Your Fall Flights Tickets Here
Sean Pursley
Special Afternoon Events
Book Your Thursday Flights Here
Linda Ledbetter
Narrated Flight Demonstration
Fall Flights Playbill
Jim Shane
14th Annual Fall Flights - Thank You!
Guest Feedback - SurveyThank you to our 14th Annual Fall Flight Sponsors!
Frequently asked questions, Fall Flights
Can I buy my Fall Flights tickets at the World Center for Birds of Prey?
No. All tickets must be purchased online, prior to arrival, due to limited seating capacity.
Do you have wheelchair accessible seating?
Yes, the top row in the amphitheater is paved and is wheelchair accessible. We reserve this row of seating for those with wheelchairs, walkers, or are unstable using the stairs. There are handrails to assist those navigating their way to the second and third row of seating.
When should I arrive?
Doors open at 10 am and we recommend arriving by 10:30 am to allow time for parking, checking in, and seating before the Flights begin. Late arrivals will not be admitted, but may join the general public and explore the Interpretive Center.
Will I be admitted to the Fall Flights presentation if I arrive late?
No. Late arrivals cannot be admitted. Once the Flights begin, access to the amphitheater will be closed for the safety of the birds and seated guests. Late arrivals are welcome to enjoy the Interpretive Center.
Can I still visit the World Center for Birds of Prey if I am not attending Fall Flights?
Yes! The Velma Morrison Interpretive Center will remain open to the general public during the Fall Flights program. General Admission tickets are available upon arrival. However, the Interpretive Trails near the Raptor Ridge amphitheater will be closed during the Flights.
How does Fall Flights affect the regularly scheduled programs?
Fall Flights presentations do not interfere with our daily programs. The Velma Morrison Interpretive Center opens at 10 am to the general public and there will still be an 11am presentation inside for those not participating in Fall Flights. The 1pm and 3pm programs are also not affected.
What is included in a Fall Flights ticket?
Online Fall Flights reservations include admission to Fall Flights and admission to the Interpretive Center at the World Center for Birds of Prey.
Is this event a good fit for my children?
Fall Flights are not recommended for children under 4 years of age or for individuals that cannot sit for up to 45 minutes. Our trained raptors will be flying around and across the amphitheater, and it is important for bird and human safety that the audience remain seated throughout the presentation.
Are dogs allowed?
No, dogs are not allowed at Fall Flights or any other live bird presentation.
Can I bring my own blankets or seat cushions?
Yes. The amphitheater has hard sandstone benches, and people are often more comfortable when they bring a seat cushion or blankets. High backed chairs are not allowed.
What happens if there is inclement weather?
Fall Flights is weather dependent. In the event of strong winds or precipitation, our operator will make the call to cancel by 9 am on the day of the event, and your tickets will be fully refunded with a confirmation cancellation email. It is then up to the visitor to re-book for a later date if that is of interest. Our Interpretive Center will be open from 10 am to 5 pm regardless of weather.
How will I know if the event has been canceled?
Our website and Facebook page will be updated with the cancellation notice by 9am on the day of the program. On the morning of a canceled program, you will receive an email notifying you of the automatic full refund (minus any donation that you included with your purchase). You can also call (208) 362-8687 after 9 am on the day of the program to check the status of Fall Flights. If your Flight is canceled, it is your responsibility to re-purchase tickets to a future program.