Raptors, including top predatory eagles and nature’s most efficient scavengers, the vultures, have a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and providing untold benefits to the environment, human health, and economies. Across East Africa, these birds of prey are facing many important threats including poisoning, habitat loss, electrocution on power lines, collisions at wind farms, and persecution. Mass poisoning events in retaliation for livestock loss are killing many more vultures and eagles than their intended victims, lions and hyenas, and are decimating vulture populations. The loss of these species is having a devastating effect on savanna ecosystems, and, if left unchecked, could lead to species extinction, ecosystem collapse, and increased threats to human wellbeing.

Our Solutions

Vulture Liaison Officers

Training local teams to detect and respond to poisoning events quickly, thus preventing massive vulture, eagle and other wildlife die offs.

Coexistence Co-op

Working with communities in northern Kenya to build bomas - predator proof enclosures - to reduce human-wildlife conflict and prevent retaliatory wildlife poisonings.

Raptor Population and Threat Monitoring

Studying the long-term trends in raptor populations across the country to identify source of highest threats, such as electrocution and poisonings, and opportunities to mitigate those threats.

Vulture and Eagle Tracking

Understanding movement and dispersal patterns throughout Kenya and Africa for the creation of long-term management and cross-border conservation plans.


Raptor Breeding Survey

Documenting breeding success and failures, availability of nesting sites, and threats to breeding adults and dispersing young to understand population trends and identify actions with the highest conservation impact for these species.


Student Mentorship and Capacity Building

Fostering future generations of conservation leaders in Africa and developing professional capacity to conserve raptors and tackle threats.


Transporting a rehabilitated vulture in a helicopter

Abraham Loomuna

Conserving Birds of Prey in Africa

Our Impact

  • 24,000 kilometers of roads surveyed

  • 30 years of raptor data collected

  • 24 students graduated

  • 818 predator-proof bomas (livestock corrals) built

  • 92% success rate of predator-proof bomas

  • 112 raptors tagged since 2018

  • 3915 people trained in conflict prevention and poisoning response

  • 51 poisonings prevented by trainees

  • 52 participants in our “Vulture Protector Network”

  • 100 first responders trained

Darcy Ogada

Conserving Birds of Prey in Africa

You Can Help

  • Donate Today. Even a small donation can make a big difference. 
  • Adopt a raptorYou'll help provide food, enrichment, travel, and medical care for one of our raptor ambassadors at the World Center for Birds of Prey. These hard-working members of our staff inspire thousands of people to engage in conserving birds of prey.
  • Celebrate Vulture Awareness Day. Every year, the first Saturday of September is dedicated to celebrating vultures all over the world. 
  • Shop sustainably. When buying bags, shoes, souvenirs or other articles, be sure they are not made of wildlife products and that, if made of natural products, they are sustainably harvested.
  • Travel Sustainably. Traveling with local companies that support conservation, visiting countries that most need tourism money, and using your travel  as an opportunity to meet and get to know locals are great ways to support conservation. 
  • Learn and Teach. Learn as much as you can about vultures and other birds of prey then share what you have learned with friends and family.

Learn More

Meet our Team

Our international team, made up of staff and volunteers, is brought together by a passion for raptors and their conservation across Africa.

Meet Our Partners

Our partners have helped make our work to conserve birds of prey in Africa possible.

Meet the Raptors

We currently work with several different raptor species throughout Africa, including Critically Endangered vultures, and Endangered and Vulnerable eagles and owls.

The Peregrine Fund has a Kenyan-registered branch, The Peregrine Fund-Africa (No. FC-Y6TL5V). P.O. Box 1629-00606, Nairobi, Kenya