Hands holding a California Condor egg up to a light. A developing embryo is seen inside.

Photo by Sara Remmes

New Propagation Barn Welcomes First Eggs of 2025

At the end of 2024, our Propagation Program in Boise celebrated the completion of a large construction project that added four new condor breeding pens and renovated two more existing pens. These new enclosures will expand our capacity to house and breed the captive population of California Condors and produce more juveniles for release. 

“Completing the new breeding pens has been an incredible experience,” says Propagation Program Director Leah Esquivel. “Together with my team, we were able to design a space that enhances the management of the birds and gives us the tools to produce amazing birds for release.  It has been a privilege to be a part of this project and to see our vision come to life.”

This was a collaborative effort made possible through the generosity of the Wind Energy Condor Action Team, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, our construction management and design team at Jordan-Wilcomb Construction, and Hatch Design Architecture. Their support of this ambitious project will make a marked difference in condor recovery.

Two images; top shows The Peregrine Fund's new breeding pens with condors inside; bottom shows condor eggs in an incubator
Photos by Kelsey Tatton

After the new pens were completed, our team moved six breeding pairs of condors into their new homes at the start of the year. Pairs settled in quickly. Of the 14 eggs laid so far this season, five of them have been in the new pens.

Leah says the breeding season is off to a fantastic start. “During the next couple months, my team and I will be artificially incubating the condor eggs, ensuring each one has the best opportunity to hatch, and then we closely monitor the growth of the nestlings as the breeding pairs raise them. While this time of year will be busy, it’s the kind of work that brings great rewards.”

Stay tuned for more updates from our Propagation Program throughout the season!