The Peregrine Fund is proud to participate in Ramsar's* celebration of World Wetlands Day on 2 February 2020.
We work to protect wetland habitat and wetlands species around the world. To celebrate this important day in 2020, we are featuring the film Resilience: Fish Eagles of Naivasha, to showcase our work with African Fish Eagles and wetland habitat decline and recovery at Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
This film is available to watch as part of a special release for World Wetlands Day from now until 7 February 2020. We hope that you enjoy learning about this inspiring project and join us as we work to conserve our world's wetlands.
Support The Peregrine Fund's Work to save Wetland Habitat Now
*The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands that was signed in 1971.
OUR IMPACT in Madagascar:
- we worked with local communities to create four protected areas throughout Madagascar to protect 500,000 acres of forests, lakes, and mangroves for Madagascar Fish Eagles and other endemic birds of prey.
- we assisted the establishment of Madagascar's largest national park, Masoala National Park, that encompasses over one million acres of rain forest and marine parks.
- we rediscovered the Madagascar Pochard - a duck that was once thought to be extinct and is now breeding in the wild again with help from our partners at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.
- we initiated and developed the first community-based resource use and habitat and biodiversity protection at Manambolomaty Lakes Complex in Madagascar. This process has since been modeled by many other conservation organizations working throughout Madagascar and around the world.