The story of the Peregrine Falcon recovery started with an observation. Something was happening in the nest that was preventing Peregrines from raising young. Biologists and falconers documented this phenomenon and came up with a hypothesis that, when tested, lead to the recovery of the Peregrine. Start your visit to The Peregrine Fund by using your observation skills. Take a look at the eggs in the back corner of the exhibit. Some rock climbing may be required. See if you can notice what lead biologists to be greatly concerned about the welfare of the species.
The outdoor Peregrine Falcon exhibit at the World Center for Birds of Prey will be home to a rotating cast of Peregrine Falcons. The exhibit offers viewers a peek into a falcon eyrie and a chance to hone their climbing and observation skills.
Learn about their decline, recovery, and life history as you Explore Raptors with us!