Some of my earliest nature-based memories are watching my dad band Madagascar Fish-eagles from the bow of a hand-carved wooden canoe and counting Bateleur Eagles in Kruger National Park. As the daughter of a career-long Peregrine Fund employee, this organization gave me experiences that would shape my love of the outdoors and dreams of becoming a conservationist. Today, I am thrilled to be giving back, as I run the NYC Marathon to raise money for The Peregrine Fund, an organization that not only works to conserve raptor species but has inspired a love of nature in me and countless others across the globe.

As a mother of three young children, running has helped me find myself again while simultaneously proving that I can do far more than I ever expected. My kids are my biggest cheerleaders, and I hope to instill that same love of nature and sports while showing them that with a little grit and determination, there is no limit to the things we can accomplish. I am excited to join the Run for Raptors NYC Marathon team for my first full marathon and support The Peregrine Fund in continuing its raptor conservation and education efforts—something that changed the course of my life from an early age.