Rachel Felling

Birds, especially raptors, have been a passion of mine for many years.  I fell in love with birding unexpectedly as a teenager when we studied them during a high school ecology class. In the many years since, I have combined my love of nature with my interest in teaching and have spent my career working in the field of environmental education.  I currently work as a Naturalist in a suburb of Indianapolis where I get to work with community members, especially kids, to help connect them to their local ecosystems and engage them in protecting our natural resources. Birds are a great spark for helping people appreciate and understand nature since they are ever present in our communities. Personally, I believe raptors are some of the most fun and interesting birds to watch.  I will never get tired of seeing an Osprey dive into a lake to catch a fish, spotting a Cooper’s Hawk stalking our bird feeders, or hearing the call of a Great Horned Owl in the evening.  

I am thrilled to represent The Peregrine Fund at the 2024 New York City Marathon! This will be my first full marathon and it is an honor to Run for Raptors.  The work The Peregrine Fund does for birds of prey conservation and education is unmatched.  I can’t wait to be part of this team and help fund this incredible organization.