World Center for Birds of Prey New Additions Grand Opening on April 22, 2023

Computer rendering of the new visitor center at the World Center for Birds of Prey

Hatch Design Architecture 

A New Addition at the World Center for Birds of Prey is Hatching Soon!

The Peregrine Fund’s World Center for Birds of Prey will celebrate the Grand Opening of their new facilities with a ribbon cutting and a full day of special activities taking place on April 22, 2023. 

A gateway to a world of raptors, conservation, and exploration, the experience begins in the spacious Welcome Center with a raptor-inspired retail space and one-of-a-kind exhibits that tell our 50-year global conservation story. With elements of play and exploration built into the new facilities, children will be welcome and encouraged to engage in hands-on STEM-based learning.

Since the opening of the Center in 1994, over 500,000 students have come to explore. We provide children and visitors of all ages the opportunity to see themselves as scientists and, through the lens of raptor conservation, learn how we can all play a role in conserving our wildlife and wild places. We will continue to offer free grant-funded field trips for students and educators. 

The new education campus will serve more students and the general public.”This new campus increases our capacity for general public visitors and students on field trips by 100%,” says VP of Development, Heather Meuleman, “and we look forward to doubling the number of students and visitors we serve in the coming years.”  The expansion also addresses important infrastructure upgrades like expanded parking facilities and restrooms.

Beyond the Welcome Center, the new facility will include the Idaho Power Flight Lab, Jan S. Alsever Peregrine Falcon exhibit, and the Open Skye Theater supported by Boise Cascade and Idaho STEM Action Center, and community-member-sponsored perches, benches, and bricks. 

“Our new campus prepares us to meet the growing demand for our programming across the Treasure Valley and we are excited to share the experience with you. Of course, the celebration wouldn’t be complete without some of our favorite raptor ambassadors and their expert handlers who will engage you with their knowledge of the birds and The Peregrine Fund’s mission of saving raptors and enriching lives. Join us!” — Tate Mason, Director, The World Center for Birds of Prey

April 22, 2023

The Peregrine Fund’s World Center for Birds of Prey

5668 W Flying Hawk Ln, Boise, ID 83709

9 am - Ribbon Cutting (all are welcome)

10 am - doors open (members are free)