The Peregrine Fund welcomes Dr. Evan Buechley as new Vice President of Conservation for International Programs

The Peregrine Fund welcomes Dr. Evan Buechley as new Vice President of Conservation for International Programs

The Peregrine Fund is excited to announce Dr. Evan R. Buechley as their new Vice President of Conservation for International Programs. Dr. Buechley will oversee the direction and strategy of the Fund’s work to conserve birds of prey in Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, and Central America.

Evan Buechley
Dr. Evan Buechley, photo credit: Neil Paprocki


The Peregrine Fund was founded in 1970 to restore the Peregrine Falcon, which was removed from the U.S. Endangered Species List in 1999. That success encouraged the organization to expand its focus, and apply its experience and understanding to raptor conservation efforts on behalf of more than 100 species in 65 countries worldwide. The organization has a worldwide staff of over 100 conservation experts, conducting 25 projects on six continents, and annually raises over $6 million in support of raptor conservation and research.

Dr. Buechley comes to The Peregrine Fund after five years at HawkWatch International where he spearheaded the organization’s international programs, including contributing to important studies of raptor ecology and conservation on five continents, particularly the crisis-level decline of African Vultures in Ethiopia. His research, which has been featured in publications like National Geographic and The New York Times, has focused on conservation prioritization, movement ecology, and scavenger ecology.

This isn’t Buechley’s first time working with The Peregrine Fund. He shares, “I am incredibly excited by this opportunity to work with all of the amazing people and projects at The Peregrine Fund. Working with The Peregrine Fund to restore California Condor populations in northern Arizona early in my career inspired a lifelong passion to study and conserve the world’s raptors. I’m honored to return to the organization in this new role, where I will work tirelessly to forward raptor and ecosystem conservation.” 

“Evan’s experience, drive, and expertise make him a perfect fit for The Peregrine Fund and we are honored to have him rejoin our team,” says Chris Parish, President and CEO of The Peregrine Fund. “Dr. Buechley will continue to apply his might and knowledge to conserving birds of prey their habitats, and more importantly, the community-based, collaborative efforts that will sustain them long after we are gone.”