Peregrine Fund Biologist Receives Prestigious Future for Nature Award

Hana Weaver in the jungle looking through binoculars

Amanda Hancock

Hana Weaver Receives Prestigious 2024 Future for Nature Award
Hana Weaver holding a nestlilng
We're ecstatic to announce that The Peregrine Fund's Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk Program Director Hana Weaver is a 2024 Future for Nature Award winner! The Future for Nature Award is a "prestigious international award that celebrates tangible achievements in protecting wild species." This is a much-deserved win for Hana who has spent years dedicated to bringing the Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk back from the brink. 

From Future for Nature's announcement: "From a pool of over two hundred and fifty international candidates, three young leaders in nature conservation have been selected to receive this year’s Future For Nature Award. They stood out for their persistence, commitment, and impactful initiatives. On Friday, April 19th 2024, Callie Veelenturf, Rinzin Lama, and Hana Weaver will receive this prestigious nature conservation prize and 50,000 euros each during the Future For Nature Awards ceremony."

From Hana: “Looking at all the incredible nominees I am beyond humbled to be picked as one of the awardees. I am completely over the moon and thrilled for the opportunities that this award will make possible for my Puerto Rico team”.

Read more about the award and winners here