Jeffrey McElwee came to The Peregrine Fund/World Center for Birds of Prey as a volunteer in July, 2014 and became Education Programs Assistant at the Center in June of 2021. He amassed 850 hours of voluntary service during down time from conducting tours in The Isles, Europe and New Zealand. Tour-based visits to more than 17 raptor centers (in 11 countries) over a 22 year period built lasting connections with staffs and especially raptor bird ambassadors. Those involvements led Jeff to volunteer at The Peregrine Fund just two months after moving from Michigan to Idaho in May of 2014. He has joined the Center team recently, providing extra staff coverage on weekends, as needed, and for special events, plus is coordinating weekly ambassador updates on Facebook. He and his wife Diane, who also volunteers at the Center, live in Boise and enjoy their grandchildren, gardening, photography, and travel.