Threats to Birds of Prey

Habitat Loss

Habitat protection is crucial to conserving birds of prey

From the clear-cutting of rainforests in the Philippines to the plowing up of native grasslands in Mexico, birds of prey are losing their homelands at an alarming rate. The Peregrine Fund is actively involved around the world in efforts to protect and restore the landscapes that endangered birds of prey require for food and shelter.

Birds of prey are an effective indicator of environmental degradation. They are near the top of a delicate food chain that works sustainably only if all the pieces and parts are in their proper place. Without a reliable food source, birds of prey cannot live and raise young in the landscapes to which they belong.

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In Madagascar, in partnership with local communities, we are developing protected areas to safeguard habitat for many endangered species, including:

  • Madagascar Fish Eagle
  • Madagascar Serpent Eagle
  • Madagascar Red Owl

See Madagascar Project for more information about our work in this island nation, home to some of rarest animals on Earth.

Habitat protection is sure to be one of the most confounding problems facing the fast-growing human population in the 21st century. The Peregrine Fund’s experience and expertise in working cooperatively with landowners can contribute to solving problems, finding solutions, and leading the way to a future that preserves the world’s incredible diversity of birds of prey for future generations.

Globe and thermometer
Climate Change
skull and crossbones
Energy Supply
House, trees, and stump
Habitat Loss
Human head with symbols
Human Conflict
Invasive Species
Knowledge Gap
icon of lead ammunition
Lead Poisoning