Larry Ditto

Home School Day

Home School Day

Intro to Raptors emphasizing Wildlife Conservation

Join your home school community in learning about birds of prey with The Peregrine Fund. During each event, lessons will incorporate the Life Sciences, with special emphases on Adaptations, Habitat, and Wildlife Conservation. The Peregrine Fund is a global leader in raptor conservation. We will explore exciting case studies, including the successful recovery of the Peregrine Falcon and our ongoing efforts to save the critically endangered California Condor. Live birds of prey will be featured in each session.

2019-2020 Dates: Nov 20, Dec 17, Jan 21, Feb 19 and Mar 25

Morning session 10:30-12, Interpretive Center open house 12-1.

Afternoon session 1:30-3, Interpretive Center open house 3-4.

Cost $3 per person. Members and children under 4 admitted free.

Group size is limited

Pre-registration required: register by contacting Curtis Evans at or 208-362-8260.
Include your name contact info, number of youth and adults, and the desired date and session. This event may sell out.